KEEP ROSE PLANTS HEALTHY: Another important factor in the care of roses is a GOOD spray program to keep them healthy. It should be done every 7 to 10 days and also after a heavy rain. Spray should be applied in early morning, after dew is gone, or in the evening, NOT during heat of day. Be sure to cover top and bottom sides of foliage, and canes. Avoid careless preparation of mixture. Follow directions exactly and measure accurately. DO NOT GUESS. Exercise care, for all sprays are dangerous. Keep them locked up and away from children. Protect yourself when spraying. It is a good policy to wear a face mask, safety goggles and clothing that covers arms and legs. When through, wash well. For a small number of roses an all-purpose spray, such as Orthenex, which contains an insecticide to kill insects, a fungicide to prevent diseases such as mildew, black spot, and rust, and a matricide for spider mites can be used. You can mix your own combination of insecticide and fungicide. Mix according to directions on the labels. It is recommended that fungicides be used on a regular basis during the growing season. Insecticides and matricides may be applied on an as needed basis.

Roses– Recommended Varieties:

Hybrid Tea and Grandiflora

Floribundas and Polyanthas

Miniatures and Mini-Floras

Double Delight—red blend
Gourmet Popcorn—white
Dublin—medium red
Sexy Rexy—medium pink
Folkore—orange blend
Europeana—dark red
Jean Kenneally—apricot blend
Mr. Lincoln—dark red
Lavaglut—dark red
Minnie Pearl—pink blend
Gemini—pink blend
Sunsprite—deep yellow
Rainbow’s End—yellow blend
The Fairy—pink
Rise ‘n’ Shine—medium yellow
Touch of Class—orange pink
Playboy—red blend
Starina—orange red
Olympiad—medium red
Hannah Gordon—white
Winsome— mauve
Queen Elizabeth—pink
Jeanne Lajoie— climber

Hardy Shrub Roses

Species and Old Garden Roses

Semi-Hardy Shrub Roses

Champlain—dark red
Alika - Hgallica—med red
Applejack—single pink
Cuthbert Grant—medium red
Apothecary’s Rose –Sp—pink
Aunt Honey—medium pink
Morden Snowbeauty—white
Rosa Mundi—pink blend
Earth Song—deep pink
Prairie Joy—pink
Mme hardy—Alba—white
Paloma blanca—white
Frontenac—medium pink
R. glauca—Sp—medium pink
Prairie Flower—pink
William Baffin—pink climber
Charles de Mill—mauve
Winter Sunset—yellow

JOIN THE MINNESOTA ROSE SOCIETY: You’ll meet new friends, hear outstanding speakers discuss the latest developments in growing roses. For further information contact: Jim, 651-738-7957, or visit our website.

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